Latest version 6.3.3 / Core plugin 2.3.3
Coming Soon
- ADDED: Ajax add to cart option for single product builder
- ADDED: Full-width layout (option) in the single product builder
- IMPOVED: Theme options removed for nonadmin users
- IMRPOVED: Promo text speed and delay options
- IMPROVED: Mobile menu popup with skeleton load
- IMPROVED: Single product gallery with thumbnails (active thumb on main slider change, fixed transition with variations galleries option on )
- IMPROVED: Theme custom CSS sections in the Customizer
- FIXED: Custom widget area title (error while specific symbols were used)
- FIXED: Dark version styles
- FIXED: JS error on the shop page related to frontend.js
- FIXED: Notices related to router.php
- FIXED: Compatibility with Products shortcode of WooCommerce
- FIXED: Space in et-sliders of swiper
- FIXED: Implode function in header builder
- FIXED: Brands permalinks if the project is disabled
- FIXED: Instagram Check for new posts(auto re-init after changing)
- FIXED: Import of elementor_global_image_lightbox